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自此,「Tonkichi とん吉」 積極拓展品牌,於過去廿多年間,在港九新界開設多間分店。讓香港的顧客可以嚐到正宗的日餐文化,亦可讓居港的日本人能夠重溫家鄉的美食。

The very first TONKICHI restaurant was opened in 1995 inside the prestigious shopping mall World Trade Centre in Causeway Bay. It was the first and only high class Japanese tonkatsu specialist in Hong Kong, committed to bringing the most traditional and orthodox Japanese culinary culture into Hong Kong, letting customers here to experience yet another style of traditional Japanese cuisine.
Since then, Tonkichi has been promoting the brand, and over the past 20+ years, different outlets have been opened in various districts all over Hong Kong. Not only Hong Kong customers can enjoy this authentic Japanese cuisine, even those Japanese living in Hong Kong can also heal their homesickness with this common cuisine of every Japanese family.

#炸豬扒 #當吉 # 吉列 #Tonkichi
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「Tonkichi とん吉」秉承日本高級餐飲文化的專注,堅持只選用優質食材,並在寧靜優雅的環境,為顧客提供貼心細緻的服務。
Following the virtue of Dedication of the Japanese culinary culture, Tonkichi uses only the top quality food ingredients, provides a peaceful environment, an elegant atmosphere and the most intimate services, so that customers can enjoy the best dining experience here.
As a tonkatsu specialist, pork chop is undoubtedly the main focus. The Black Pork used in Tonkichi has the right proportion of fat and thus is more tender and juicy; it is even tastier if eaten with our specially made sauce.
Apart from pork chop, all other food ingredients come back the best sources all over the world, some of the most welcome ones include Miyazaki Beef, 12-inch King Prawn, Hokkaido Scallops, Hiroshima Oysters, etc.
Even those less conspicuous items such as rice and cabbage are specially selected from Japan and only those of best quality produces will be served to the customers.
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「Tonkichiとん吉」曾獲不同媒體頒發各種獎項,及數以百計美食評論家、網誌博客、報紙雜誌等推薦,包括2010年獲CNN GO選為「香港40家必到食府」、U Magazine多次評為《我最喜愛食肆》、多年來一直獲得香港Q嘜優質服務認證等。而最高榮譽,要算是2015年首屆《香港味之年賞》中,獲頒AAA最高評級榮譽,全港僅有7間食肆能獲此殊榮。而在香港人最熟悉OpenRice,更連續5年獲得《最優秀開飯日本菜餐廳》。難怪名食家蔡瀾評價「Tonkichiとん吉」是最佳的日式吉列專門店,比日本當地的傳統老店更佳。這足以證明「Tonkichiとん吉」無論在技術、出品以至服務,均獲各大食評家、飲食雜誌及顧客所認同。
Over the years, Tonkichi has been praised by hundreds of food critics, bloggers, newspapers and magazine, including CNN GO’s 2010 selection into “40 must-go restaurants in Hong Kong”, “My Favourite Restaurant” award by U Magazine for many times, the “Q-Mark” recognition for many years, etc.
The highest award of all must be the “AAA Rated Restaurant” in the inaugural “Taste Awards of Hong Kong” in 2015, only 7 restaurants have received this highest recognition. And in the popular OpenRice award, Tonkichi was acclaimed “The Best Japanese Restaurant” for 5 consecutive years.
No wonder Tsai Lan, the most well known gourmet in Hong Kong and Asia, has said that Tonkichi is the best Japanese Tonkatsu specialist in Hong Kong, even better than those long-standing brands in Japan. This means that Tonkichi is recognized as the Best by most food critics, magazines and customers in terms of technique, quality, production and services.
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金箔御品沖繩黑糖 黑糖雙黃白蓮蓉月餅 選用沖繩黑糖,味道更香醇 加上片片金箔,吃出矜貴品味 歡迎分店訂購 2024.06.24 奧飛驒 特選 純米大吟釀 宮城一見鍾情米 有機耕作, 不含化學肥料營養豐富, 含豐富礦物質 獲日本專利認証,精心培育的大米,以完全成熟專業發酵堆肥種植。完全呈現出上等大米的上乘口感和獨特米香。 2022.10.14 奧飛驒酒造創立於1720年,位處日本中部岐阜縣,酒造主要以飛驒高山河川水系馬瀨川伏流水為主要釀酒水,至今守護著三百年歷史的傳統技術,致力生產傳統優質銘酒,主要品牌為奧飛驒及初綠。 初綠 - 純米大吟釀 (和紙ラベル) 2022.10.14 焙茶含有單寧因其抗癌作用而備受關注,經過特殊高溫再次烘炒而成也只含極少量咖啡因,特別適合老人家和生病的人飲用。 京都產茶葉-極上焙茶 2022.10.14 散發著幽雅深沉的吟釀香氣, 是山田錦的精華味道,非常適合作 為開胃酒或搭配清淡的日本料理。 TRAVEL 2022.10.14 Tonkichiとん吉朗豪坊分店 於2023年5月24日隆重開幕,當日除剪綵帶儀式,更有日本打破清酒儀式 及 太鼓表演,一眾名人,影視紅星,仲有吉祥物「當吉豬」到場慶賀。 24.5.2023 とん吉第七間分店- 朗豪坊Tonkichiとん吉於2023年4月28日在4樓隆重開業。 踏進全新Tonkichiとん吉,享受精緻吉列美食 朗豪坊分店 Grand Opening 28.4.2023 被譽為世上頂級豚肉之一,因其肉質鮮嫩多汁,吉列厚切做法讓客人享受到美味豚肉大滿足。因為豚的里肌肉不多,每隻豬只足夠做出四份厚切!供應量有限! 鹿兒島特等厚切豚肉 26.6.2023 貴為「日本一」的宮崎牛,已連續三屆(五年一屆)奪得日本和牛評選大賽冠軍。只限於在宮崎縣所畜養的黑毛和牛,才能稱為宮崎牛;因為產量非常稀少,每月大約只有30頭,所以十分矜貴。宮崎牛日常以甘蔗作為飼料,並且享受按摩服務,所以肉質極佳。以日式吉列烹調的宮崎牛,軟嫩多汁,香氣濃郁,入口即化且不油膩,是必食精選! 宮崎和牛 26.6.2023 Tonkichi とん吉 - 世貿中心 香港唯一一家高級Tonkichi とん吉日式吉列豬扒專門店,緊接世貿中心翻新工程,將於2022年10月7日在13樓重開。 7.10.2022 選用「南太平洋」無污染深海九吋大蝦,肉質爽脆,蝦味濃郁,配合日式吉列做法,賣相與味道俱佳。 吉列深海大蝦 7.10.2022 選用日本小豆島百年老字號醬油,芳香醇厚,配合雲呢拿雪糕及丹波黑豆,是富有特色的雪糕享用體驗。 小豆島醬油雪糕 7.10.2022 本店使用日本郵發,味攜特別酒甜、真造;每天經過師 傅細心挑選。切絲、浸泡等嚴格工序,方為客人本上。 配以秘製紫菜芝麻汁或柚子汁,入口清新。充分中和 炸物的油膩感,並襯托出食材的美味,跟吉列豬扒是 完美組合。 日本椰菜 7.10.2022 cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper

Shop 1302, 13/F, World Trade Center,
280 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay
Shop 11, 4/F, Langham Place,
8 Argyle Street, Mong Kok
Shop 3013, 3/F, IFC,
1 Harbour View Street, Central
The ONE 4樓L401舖
Shop L401, 4/F, The ONE,
100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Shop 19, UG/F, Festival Walk,
80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong
Shop 707, 7/F, New Town Plaza Phase 1,
18 Sha Tin Centre Street, Sha Tin
Shop 1078, 1/F, YOHO Mall I,
9 Yuen Lung Street, Yuen Long

Shop 1078, 1/F, YOHO Mall I,
9 Yuen Lung Street, Yuen Long
Tel: 2557 0308

星期一 至 日 Monday to Sunday
11:30 - 22:00
尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 4樓L401舖
Shop L401, 4/F, The ONE, 100 Nathan Road,
Tsim Sha Tsui, Tsim Sha Tsui
Tel: 2668 0282

星期一 至 四 Monday to Thursday
12:00 - 15:00 ; 17:30 - 22:00

星期五 至 日 Friday to Sunday
12:00 - 22:00
Shop3013, 3/F, IFC, 1 Harbour View Street, Central
Tel: 2899 2922

星期一 至 日 Monday to Sunday
11:30 - 22:00
Shop 212A, 2/F, Maritime Square 1,
33 Tsing King Road, Tsing Yi
Tel: 2626 9088

Shop 19, UG/F, Festival Walk,
80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong
Tel: 2881 6468

星期一 至 日 Monday to Sunday
11:30 - 22:00
Shop 11, L4, Langham Place,
8 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon
Tel: 3590 9396

星期一 至 日 Monday to Sunday
11:30 - 22:00
香港銅鑼灣告士打道280號 世界貿易中心13樓1302號舖
Shop no. 1302, 13/F, The World Trade Centre,
280 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: 2310 8806

星期一 至 日 Monday to Sunday
12:00 - 15:00 ; 17:30 - 22:00
分店 Store ---------------------------------------------------
Shop 707, 7/F, New Town Plaza Phase 1,
18 Sha Tin Centre Street, Sha Tin
Tel: 2887 0787

星期一 至 四 Monday to Thursday
11:30 - 15:30 ; 17:30 - 22:00

星期五 至 日 Friday to Sunday
11:30 - 22:00
地址 Address

TONKICHIとん吉日式吉列豬扒專門店 關於我們 About Us 最新消息News 分店資料 Shop Information cdn_helper